Projects currently proposed in our 2022-2023 Grant round which continues in the Winter & Spring of 2022. Final project presentations will be virtual on the morning of Wed. April 13, 2022.
If you have questions or need more information, please email Lead Entity Coordinator Cheryl Baumann at:

The following projects are proposed in this current grant round:

Little Hoko River Wood Restoration

The Little Hoko River is the largest tributary to the Hoko River, which is the largest watershed in WRIA 19. The river supports populations of chinook, coho, and chum salmon as well as cutthroat, steelhead and lamprey. The lower portions of the Little Hoko River were conserved in the early 1990’s when the Cowan homestead was purchased by Washington State Parks. Simultaneously, a large scale restoration project was implemented by the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe between 1994-1998. In this project cattle were initially fenced out of the riparian zone (and later removed), extensive riparian plantings completed, several off-channel habitats created, and additions of wood made to the channel. The type of wood additions used in the 1990’s consisted of mostly single log structures and small logjams built with cut logs. While the original restoration effort has improved channel and riparian habitats, the majority of wood placements have been buried under accumulated gravel. This has greatly improved spawning habitat, however additional restoration work using complexes of large wood are necessary to improve rearing habitat. Based on the results of the design process we propose to use a helicopter to place logs in complex accumulations at 25 locations between river mile 0-3.0.

Johnson Creek Triple Culvert Restoration

The Johnson Creek Triple Culverts project is a restoration project that seeks to construct the replacement of three adjacent, fish barrier culverts #80001261 with a fish passable structure to open access to 15.6 acres of summer and winter rearing as well as 2.4 linear miles of spawning and rearing habitat. This is NOPLES #1 ranked culvert project in the Pysht HUC 10. Replacement of these structures will re-connect hydraulic processes within a wetland that is currently bisected roughly in half. Johnson Creek is a Hoko River tributary . Chinook, coho, steelhead, cutthroat trout, and lamprey all inhabit this area and will benefit from the project. The Johnson B tributary runs along the southern road edge in the road ditch, for ~700 before meeting Johnson Creek at the culvert outlets. This Johnson B reach and the road negatively impact one another. Johnson B suffers from straightening,no no left bank riparian, no instream wood and is actively eroding road aggregate into the channel. The Johnson B tributary has historically contained some of the highest redd densities for the area (WDFW-SSI Database). Funds would go to construction of culvert replacements, and the relocation of the B-Tributary into the adjacent forest where we will reintroduce sinuosity, LWD habitat structures and pool riffle sequences. Construction of the project without moving Johnson B is impractical from culvert correction constructability, roadway maintenance, and salmon habitat benefit perspectives.

Hoko River Tributary Fish Passage Design

The project will complete a final design for the replacement of a Clallam County Road Culvert (#80001279) on an unnamed Hoko River tributary (19.0169) which enters the Hoko at river mile 9.4. This funding will match a funding request to the Fish Barrier Removal Board. The culvert is 0% passable with available spawning and rearing habitat upstream. This tributary stream is somewhat unique in the Hoko River watershed due to its watershed size and also in its relatively low channel slopes. It exhibits good sinuosity, adequate spawning gravels, good riparian cover, and large instream wood complexes. This is NOPLES 3rd ranked culvert correction in the Pysht HUC 10. The culvert is only 235 ft upstream from the tributary’s confluence with the Hoko River. Culvert replacement will open .85 Miles of salmon and steelhead spawning and rearing habitat.

Projects previously funded:

Lower Dungeness Floodplain Restoration – This is the River’s Edge Phase, located  river mile (RM) 1.75 to RM 2.70, of the US Army Corps of Engineers dike setback project. Proposed by the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe, this phase will further  enlarge and enhance the levee setback project currently being designed by Clallam County which will remove a portion of the dike, thereby restoring, conserving and reconnecting 65 acres of historic Dungeness River Floodplain. Phase 2 is the River’s Edge project. Property acquisitions are well underway. In March 2020 the Tribe, working with the North Olympic Land Trust; purchased a 41-acre property and another 24-acre property in May 2020 needed for the restoration. This grant will fund River’s Edge design and permitting. The Tribe is working to get this phase designed in time to integrate with the County’s dike setback. Recovering and restoring lost floodplain is the top-ranked habitat restoration action needed on the Dungeness River, per the Puget Sound Chinook Recovery Plan. Healthy salmon runs require healthy floodplain habitat.

Twin River Acquisition – The Twins Nearshore and West Twin River acquisition project seeks to permanently conserve coastal shoreline, riparian, wetland, and forested upland habitat within the Hoko-Lyre River Watershed. Acquisition of this property by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is an opportunity to protect and enhance the natural processes, conditions, functions, and biological responses of 216 acres of significant habitat in one of the remaining functional ecosystems in western Washington. This reach of the nearshore central Strait of Juan de Fuca contains some of the most complex shorelines of the Salish Sea, and within this reach the Twins Nearshore is one of the most diverse.  The Twins Nearshore and West Twin River  provides priority habitat for multiple species of concern, including critical habitat for ESA-listed Bull Trout, highly productive Coho, Winter Steelhead, and Coastal Cutthroat spawning and rearing habitat, prey production habitat for Southern Resident Killer Whales, migratory and rearing habitat for federally listed Puget Sound Chinook and Hood Canal Summer Chum species, supports intact eelgrass and kelp beds, and spawning habitat for salmonids and forage fish. Additionally, WDFW acquisition of this property provides public access for a myriad of outdoor recreation activities.

Hoko River Conservation– This project aims to conserve 229 acres of land in the Hoko River watershed that is identified as a high priority in The Western Strait of Juan de Fuca Salmonid Habitat Conservation Plan. This conservation effort is proposed by the North Olympic Land Trust and the Makah Tribe. The Hoko River watershed is known to support important habitat for salmon and steelhead productivity and survival, making them a high priority for conservation. Research of Water Resource Inventory Area 19 (WRIA 19) in 2011 resulted in The Western Strait of Juan de Fuca Salmonid Habitat Conservation Plan, which prioritized conservation of specific parcels most important for fish productivity. All properties are within the Hoko River watershed, including the mainstem of the Hoko River, the Lower Hoko wetland complex, Talbot Creek, Johnson Creek, unnamed tributaries, and portions of the Johnson Creek wetland complex. The primary types of habitat to be protected include off-channel wetland habitat, large river mainstem habitat, mature riparian floodplain forest, and some of the highest use Chinook spawning habitat in WRIA 19. The primary species supported are Chinook, chum, coho, steelhead, and cutthroat. There will likely be access for outdoor recreation, particularly for lands acquired fee-simple. Uses could include non-motorized daytime activities like bird and wildlife viewing, and picnicking.

Lower Hoko Wetland–  This is the next phase in a project lead by the North Olympic Salmon Coalition which is currently at the preliminary design stage. This phase will include final design, permitting and complete construction to restore a tributary of the Hoko River and improve salmon access to the 40-acre Lower Hoko Wetland Complex(LHWC). Restoration elements include widening the confluence of LHWC and adding structure within the tributary and LHWC . The project goal is to increase frequency of connection of LHWC with the Hoko River and make entrance easier for fish to access critical rearing and high flow refugia habitat, particularly juveniles. High flow refugia habitat is structurally complex habitat needed by juvenile salmon to survive and thrive during winter high flows. Wetland complexes and side channels are constructed to connect the floodplain at low flows. This off-channel habitat provides winter rearing and high flow refugia habitat for juvenile salmon that would otherwise be swept away during high flows prevalent during winter.

Upper Cowan Ranch The project will complete preliminary design for the construction of approximately 25-30 engineered log jams (ELJs) between Hoko River Mile 4.0 and 5.2. The project, proposed by the North Olympic Salmon Coalition; will reconnect approximately 46 acres of Hoko River floodplain. The project is designed to benefit various salmon populations within the Hoko River through the reduction of bed scour and reversal of channel simplification that has resulted from the absence of large wood within the system. Large wood helps slow water flow which helps traps gravel and sediment, creates pools and places for fish to hide and seek refuge, helps streambanks by preventing erosion of soil along banks.  This projects targets restoration of spawning and rearing habitat for chinook, coho, chum and steelhead.

McDonald Creek Fish Passage This project rectifies a long-known fish passage barrier and removes sources of fish mortality associated with operation of an irrigation diversion. Proposed by Clallam County, the project will also improve habitat conditions, sediment, and wood transport in McDonald Creek.  All life stages of ESA-Listed Puget Sound Steelhead, Coho, Cutthroat and Pacific Lamprey will benefit from this project. Improving fish passage will open up 4.5 and 6.1 miles of access to moderate to high quality habitat upstream of the diversion dam for Coho and Steelhead,  resulting in improved spawning and rearing habitat. The project will improve fish passage and enhance conditions for fish and wildlife while also improving Agnew Irrigation District’s ability to divert water according to their water right.


Previous Work:

  • Dungeness Floodplains by Design
  • Western Strait Fish Barrier Removal in the Hoko Watershed
  • Clallam County Culvert Inventory